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29.08.2014: Oprava
Pořadí poháru po 3 závodech opraveno. Link je v původním článku.

28.08.2014: Archiv 2013
Archiv nyní obsahuje i výsledky za rok 2013

15.07.2014: Srpnová schůze
Srpnová schůze CKKV se koná ve čtvrtek 14.8. 2014 v hospodě Na Krásné Vyhlídce v pražské Tróji od 19:00

25.03.2014: Dubnová schůze
Dubnová schůze se koná dne 3.4. 2014 od 19:00!!!!!!! v hospodě U Kulaté Báby.

25.02.2014: Březnová schůze
Březnová schůze se koná ve čtvrtek 6.3. 2014 od 19:00 v hospodě U Kulaté báby v Řehořově ulici
ke článku: PF 2022
ze dne 31.12.2021, autor článku: Vláďa Konůpka

Komentář ze dne: 13.11.2023 10:19:25     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - Jacqueline (@)

Komentář ze dne: 13.12.2023 18:51:45     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - yanmaneee (

Komentář ze dne: 20.01.2024 07:41:58     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - luciana (
Have you ever thought to <a href="">pay someone to take my online class</a> service after spending endless hours studying for the test? If not then please do as requests can be answered in a positive way. Around the globe, large number of higher learning establishments provides distance learning courses and diploma programs. We therefore made the decision to close the distance left by learners who are unclear of where to begin looking for the ideal online classmate. We handle all of your instructional worries by offering you best support with numerous courses, assignments, schoolwork, online exams, and assessments. Our primary goal is to provide the highest level of suggestions for distance learning classes while keeping things convenient for you. Every time you say that you need support and help, our supporters have always worked to ensure that your time with us unforgettable. Our online presence is a powerful tool because of our

Komentář ze dne: 20.01.2024 07:42:58     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - Luciana Jones (
Have you ever thought to pay someone to take my online class service after spending endless hours studying for the test? If not then please do as requests can be answered in a positive way. Around the globe, large number of higher learning establishments provides distance learning courses and diploma programs. We therefore made the decision to close the distance left by learners who are unclear of where to begin looking for the ideal online classmate. We handle all of your instructional worries by offering you best support with numerous courses, assignments, schoolwork, online exams, and assessments. Our primary goal is to provide the highest level of suggestions for distance learning classes while keeping things convenient for you. Every time you say that you need support and help, our supporters have always worked to ensure that your time with us unforgettable. Our online presence is a powerful tool because of our constant backing for y

Komentář ze dne: 24.01.2024 12:09:47     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - luciana (
Titulek: Reflective Essay Writing
<a href=" essay-writing/"> Reflective Essay Writing</a> allows you to explore your experiences and personal development and draw lessons from them. Moreover, it is not content to merely tell stories, the aim is to investigate the introspective process that leads to personal growth and self-awareness. These articles, which have a format akin to a journal entry, are excellent resources for critical thinking and introspective examination.

Komentář ze dne: 09.08.2024 16:37:12     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - technology in english learning (
Titulek: in-english-learning/
The term "technology in english learning" refers to all of the actions that a company participates in in order to attract a certain market to its products or services via the use of persuasive message. Long-term goals of marketing include demonstrating the value of the product, establishing brand loyalty, and ultimately increasing sales through the utilisation of content to provide prospects and consumers with value that may be considered independent of the product itself. It is possible for a student to select marketing as their major for two reasons: first, they can be interested in the topic, and second, they might desire to do research. If a student possesses these two skills, it will be quite easy for them to write an assignment on any subject to do with marketing. However, if he does not have any interests of this kind and continues to consider marketing to be his major, then it is quite likely that he would look for Online marketing assignment help in USA in order to e

Komentář ze dne: 23.08.2024 15:57:51     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - badges in education (
Titulek: badges in education
The "badges in education" refers to all of the actions for a company participates in in order to attract a certain market to its products or services via gamification of persuasive message. Long-term goals of marketing include demonstrating the value of the product, establishing brand loyalty, and ultimately and consumers with value that may be considered independent of the product itself. It is possible for a student to select marketing as their major for two reasons: first, they can be interested in the topic, and second, they might desire to do research. If a student possesses these two skills, it will be quite easy for them to write an assignment on any subject to do with marketing. However, if he does not have any interests of this kind and continues to consider , then it is quite likely that he would look for Online marketing assignment help in USA in order to ensure that he is able to hand in his assignments on time. In a shorter amount of time, the online essay helper

Komentář ze dne: 04.09.2024 10:44:10     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - joe biddens education plan (
Titulek: joe biddens education plan
Historically, the federal government has always played a minor role in academia. That would change under a sweeping plan released last spring by President Joe Biden. Biden provides six education schemes that would make the largest federal investment in schooling nationally in half a century. The plan would recommend raises to teachers; a preview Biden released ahead of an address he was set to give in Houston at the American Federation of Teachers. By contrast, the trapped-in-the-past "<a href=" what-you-could-expect-from-joe-biddens-education-p lan">joe biddens education plan</a>" would allow more kids to access schools-based mental health services and other family supports ?? home visiting from nurses for new parents, "community schools" in low-income neighborhoods that could offer social services as well as healthcare. Study postgraduate in UK can be so transformational. Never has best education come fre

Komentář ze dne: 20.09.2024 15:53:33     Reagovat
Autor: neregistrovaný - catholic university assignment help (
Titulek: catholic university assignment help
Historically, the federal government has always played a minor role in academia. That would change under a sweeping plan released last spring by President Joe Biden. Biden provides six education schemes that would make the largest federal investment in schooling nationally in half a century. The plan would recommend raises to teachers; a preview Biden released ahead of an address he was set to give in Houston at the American Federation of Teachers. By contrast, the trapped-in-the-past "catholic university assignment help" would allow more kids to access schools-based mental health services and other family supports ?? home visiting from nurses for new parents, "community schools" in low-income neighborhoods that could offer social services as well as healthcare. Study postgraduate in UK can be so transformational. Never has best education come free, and at the same time societal access cannot be ensured by underpriced availability. To help with a costly burden, thi

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